Easy management of
Test and operating equipment
Many companies use test equipment in quality management. These must reliably meet the specified performance criteria.
The integrated simplified test equipment management from GOpus enables the Management of equipment data, the Planning of exams and the Scheduling of calibration tests on equipmentThis gives you reliable, objective measurement results in quality management and a solid basis for your decisions.
Our cockpit makes your test equipment management more efficient
We enable you to simplify test equipment management via an integrated cockpit and support you in the complete planning and implementation of internal and external test equipment monitoring. Our solution uses SAP standard data objects and functions with modification-free extensions and is release-independent.
Individual cockpit
One Individually configurable menu bar in the cockpit with predefined functions and transactions, such as Mass maintenance of test equipment, Rebooking of test equipment or Uploading certificates for the test lotensure fast, convenient and simple test equipment management in SAP. The cockpit also offers a configurable traffic light function for monitoring the test date and status.
By using the solution, you can especially access the Maintenance strategies and complex maintenance plans are no longer necessary. Test equipment processes are made more efficient and costs are saved in the medium and long term.
The add-on is also available for S/4HANA.
All important information about our solution can be found in our fact sheet. We also regularly offer events relevant to the topic.
Advantages of GOpus® ePMV Cockpit
GOpus' simplified test equipment management offers companies many advantages at various levels. As part of continuous process improvement, errors are avoided and sustainable QM is introduced - for lower operating costs and higher customer satisfaction.
Central cockpit
Simple planning and intuitive implementation of
Q-planning, Q-testing and Q-control
Simplified definition and monitoring of procurement processes, both internal and external.
Simplified data maintenance
Simplified mass maintenance of relevant master data