Discover the future of SAP S/4HANA deployment with GOpus® Sales Promotion
With GOpus® Sales Promotion New dimensions open up for you in the use of SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA to ensure timely and smooth processing of the highest quality.
How does GOpus® Sales Promotion work?
GOpus® Sales Promotion enables you to create sales contracts in advance for any partner role, be it for customer hierarchies or other relevant partner structures. This innovative approach ensures timely and on-time delivery during the planned periods. Incoming customer orders assigned to the relevant partner are automatically referenced to the sales contract to ensure seamless integration of your processes.
Automated billing of required quantities
Optimized by automating the allocation of required quantities GOpus® Sales Promotion Your processes. The quantity sold is deducted directly from the contract document and added to the customer order. It is also possible to request more quantities via customer orders than are specified in the contract. If the contract quantity is exhausted, the customer order can still be linked to the contract. In this way, you can meet the changing requirements of your customers and ensure smooth processing.
All important information about our solution can be found summarized in our fact sheet.
Benefits of GOpus® Sales Promotion
GOpus's promotional processing offers companies many advantages at various levels. As part of continuous process improvement, errors are avoided and a sustainable sales cycle is introduced.